Geasy BHW

Off Page SEO

Off Page SEO

How We Did Link Building on SEO Niche

Did a linkbuilding campaign for a client in the toughest niche IMO: SEO He has a free KW research tool. Now you know how difficult it is these to pitch someone and say please include our tool in your list because its free. SEOs dont usually give a shit. They know the value of links so usually ask for money or just flat out ignore your pitch. So I had to figure out how to provide value. I scraped a shit load of articles which had “SEO tools” or “Keyword research tools” in the title. Next I Made my VA go through all these pages and look for broken tools. after finding some broken tools, we extracted the backlinks to these tools and made a mega list of prospects. Next we popped the list into hunter and got the emails. Then we ran the prospects through a email cleaning tool ( in my case. We removed all the “invalid” and “guess” emails and just kept the “valid” emails. You should do this too because “guess” emails usually have a 40% bounce rate. Next I made my VA take a screenshot of all the broken links and paste the image URL into the corresponding cells. and then we sent the emails. Out of the 500 odd emails we sent, we got 10 solid links including a link from (DR 81)

Off Page SEO

Everything You Should Know About Link Building – BHW THREAD LIST

I remember my first times in Forum, when I tried to read all articles about SEO for hours and hours. I am completely satisfied for the time I spent reading the articles as they helped me to become a better SEO and they are 100% Pure OF BULLSHIT AND BULLSHIT. That’s why I’ve decided to compile a list of all the best Forum Posts about Link Building. Discussion Sources

Off Page SEO

Impressive Blackhat link building strategy you can apply.

Today one of our clients received an email from a “photographer” saying he owned the copyright to a image which we had sourced from Pexels it was uploaded a few years ago (looked like a mass templates email). This guy emails saying he owns it and to link to a finance calculator website if we want to keep it live the image was on a health site, pretty aggressive tone. I checked the “Flickr” account he had uploaded over 3,000 images all directly from Pexels saying he “owned” them all and to link to various websites on the images mostly finance all owned by the same guy. I’ve heard of this strategy before a bit black hat and easy to pick up.

Off Page SEO

How To Get Major Publications To Link To Your Website

When you’re running content campaigns and looking to gain traction from larger publications, blogs or within the press, this tactic could work well for you. Instead of pitching ideas directly into publications, go after freelance journalists. Freelance journalists are incentivized to work with you as they make their living from pitching in stories or interesting news into publications. One freelance journalist will write for many different pubs, which means 1 relationship can create inroads to many different publications (this is particularly useful if you have several clients that you manage content campaigns for). *How to Find Them* There are lots of tools out there like, Pitchbox, Muck Rack, etc. but I’ve found the MOST effective way is to run advanced Twitter searches. Most freelance journalists will state their title within their Twitter bio – they’re usually very active on Twitter so you can reach out to them there too. Use this search to get started:”freelance journalist” One extra thing I’d recommend is refining the search to be focused on a specific location. Picking up local freelance journalists is even easier because you could go grab coffee with one of them or hop on a quick call. Another tactic I’ve found to work well is to commission them to write some content for your client (or you) to begin with – this creates a strong relationship – after that goes down well and you’ve paid them, pitch them on something for an external publication. Happy link building

Off Page SEO

Lightbulb moment for getting backlinks from your direct competitors

I was listening to an email outreach podcast & have a lightbulb moment for getting backlinks from your direct competitors… Go to a scraping tool like Screaming Frog or Sitebulb, scrape your competitor’s site & search for dead 404 backlinks, if the domain name is unregistered, buy it & rewrite the content the page had previously (which can be found on the wayback machine’s archive), then you find old whois data & use the same name servers as the old website had, you then internally link to your money page or alternatively you can go the other route and 301 the URL to a relevant page on your website. Any thoughts if you think this linkbuilding strategy has legs & is viable in 2019? The theory behind it is great. It’s what the crawlers in stuff like this are built to do – you give it a seed list of sites and it goes crawling (domcop has something very similar). These generally resurface fully expired domains though – so they went through auction and didn’t get picked up. Odds are the link from the competitor is the only worthwhile link it has (or close to it) or someone would have scooped it up at auction. Relevancy is the key here. It works as long as its done right. Takes a ton of work and precautions to be on the safe side. Do it one at a time on long tail keywords for your money site.

Off Page SEO

Creating Tools To Get A Ton Of Free Links

One of the most highly linkable assets in digital marketing is “Tools” Bloggers creating “Free Tools” blog posts and “Everything You Need To Do XYZ” love to link to tools such as “Privacy Policy Generators” and/or “SaaS MRR Calculators” — I’m pretty confident (research underway) that this is the case even outside of the wonderful world of digital marketing. What’s a tool? Tools are typically an interactive experience that helps your audience do or learn something specific. A few examples: > Email Signature Generator > Privacy Policy Generator > SaaS Metric Calculator > Blog Idea Generators > Invoice Generator > SEO Checkers But it’s not always easy to come up with these ideas One of our favorite techniques is to use reverse engineering to figure out what tools will work best for our audience. A great way to do this is to leverage a site like Product Hunt where tons of Free Calculators & other types of tools are shared daily. You type in “Calculator” or “Generator” in the search and will be met with a plethora of ideas: You can do the same thing for “Generators”: Don’t get me wrong. Creating these types of assets often takes time and to really knock it out of the park you’ll want to invest in quality design & development in addition to a great copywriter. But if you do this right — It can pay massive dividends.

Off Page SEO

Scholarship links are dead and here is another way to get edu backlinks.

Scholarship links are dead and here is another way to get Edu backlinks. 1. Search for US universities that have a “Directory” page on them. Usually this directory is the list of alumni, present students, and teachers. 2. Filter out current students and scrape their emails. 3. Almost all university students have access to university blogs and you just have to tell these students that you’ll pay some $$ for posting an article. And make sure you write something useful for the people and no BS. Works like a charm! Give it a try Wanna know what’s even better? Scrape Ahrefs for Edu sites with broken links OUT sites, then sees if they are available to register. I have about 5 domains of students that had to register it as a project and abandoned it after graduating. The domains all have a direct link from the university lol. Any site I link to from these domains is a grandchild of an edu link.

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