Geasy BHW

[Successful Journey] Scaling Amazon Affiliate from $1000/m to $10k

Hey you,

Have you ever wondered what it’d be like making $10k/ month Passive Income?

I think about it all the time, continuously! But then when I talk to the people around me and online, one can’t help but be doubtful.

10k…? While you sleep? No ads or Shady business…? BS!

Or maybe you’re being tricked into believing that it’s possible?

Let’s face it… most journeys never end well or seem a bit fake due to the lack of evidence of success. I’ve always hated seeing people type their “supposed earnings” when the reality is far from what is shown.

I’ve been one of those guys, I’ve made good money online. Done shady techniques, ran ads, and made a killing. But I’ve never gotten honest long term passive bread online that makes you feel good. All that changed December 2018 when I figured out exactly How to Successfully make Passive Income with Amazon.

Trust me; this shit is simple and easier “TO ME” than any other method online. Moreover, it’s passive (conditional), and YOU can do it too!


  1. By working both Hard and Smart.
  2. Being Disciplined.
  3. Applying the right tactics.
  4. Rinse and Repeat.

I’ve figured out steps 1 and 3 but that second step is why I’m not where I want to be and why I’ve created another journey. But I’ve learned from an insanely successful businessman and his number 1 philosophy.

” If you did it once you can do it ten times. If you can make $1, you can make $100.”

Hence, I’ll be scaling my monthly passive income from $1000 – $10000 a month. This Journey isn’t an Ask Me Anything journey thread, but maybe you’ll learn something along the way. If anything, I hope that in my quest to stay disciplined and achieve my goals, you’ll work harder and see that you can do it too.

And to the future me, you’ll be reading this a year later.

Wherever you are right now is as a result of the things you did yesterday. Change!


I wonder if you focus on only easy keywords or jump on hard and link and give it a try?

A mixture, I only go for low hanging fruits that my site “should” rank for without backlinks. So it might be an easy keyword or hard but if I think my site should be able to hit page 1 then I’ll go after it.

What’s your backlink strategy?

I’ve only done about 15 blog comments when I just started the site. I haven’t done any since and have only focused on easy to rank content.

Whether you targeting key words with medium volume or high volume

Low volume – Long tails. Minimum SV of 150 per month is the sweet spot. Highest I’ve gone after is 3500.

How exactly are you going to scale – creating more sites from scratch?

Yes, I have created site number 2 with a full site content map of 75 articles.

How much have you invested so far? And is site 1 profitable yet?

I’ve only paid for hosting, domain name and probably 5 articles? All in all about $400. Everything else from this site is profit and amazon is only one revenue source. I make a quarter of amazons earnings on commission junction per month.

Update #1

The Journey has officially started with the ending of September.

I was worried that a few items wouldn’t ship and the amazon revenue would fall short! Thankfully it didn’t otherwise this thread would be a joke lol. Note that I have earnings on other sites so i’m above $1000 but i’m only focusing on ama.

I don’t know what October has in store in terms of revenue but I’ll be putting in as much work as I can on a daily basis. Yesterday I completed one article of 2500 words for site number 2. I’ll work on finishing the basic pages, creating socials and uploading that 1 article today. And hopefully, write 1 article for site 1 which is earning 1k at present. My overall goal is to write a minimum of 3k words a day and have that post uploaded immediately each day.

Stats for Site 1:

Articles: 60
Avg Word Count: 1700
Informative Posts: 25
Money Posts: 45

Stats for site 2:

Articles: 1
Informative Posts: 0
Money Posts: 1

That’s it, off to work.

How many pages actually make money?

About 26 pages actually make money during each month so far. I’m trying to get a few more solid money pages ranking as 1 page, in particular, brings in 30-40% of my traffic and that’s never a good thing. So working on getting a few more pages like that.

Update #1.2

I feel like I’m taking longer than necessary to get certain tasks done. I keep switching between tabs and loading up different youtube videos. WTF is it so hard to actually focus and work efficiently?

Have you ever wished you could force your body to do what you wish? Like controlling a puppet?

If anyone of you has a method to stay focus and finish tasks in a timely manner I’d love to hear how you do it.

So far I’ve gotten up all the foundation pages Site 2 except for the “Start Here” page. I’m currently working on the verbiage for the category I’m starting with right now, afterward, I’ll upload the first post I created yesterday. The bad news is I have an article to write for site 1 and I haven’t started it yet. So with only 5 more hours left in my day, I’m behind schedule.

Outstanding Things to do

  • Create Social Pages for site 1
  • Write 2000 words for Site 1

Update #2

Yesterday was a fairly successful day with productivity. I created 8 pages for Site 2 – About us ( 500 words), Terms & Conditions, Affiliate Disclosure (300 words), Contact Us, 1 category page (700 words), Privacy Policy, and uploaded 1 Buying Intent article written the previous day. I’ve also created all social profiles and set up yoast + Google Search Console, Bing Webmasters, Yandex.

In total, I wrote about 2000 words. But maybe I’m lazy and could’ve done a lot more and all this is just justifying my BS slacking.


MTD: $24.48

Plans for today:

I’m already way behind and daylight is running out. I typically start my days at 4 AM by hitting the gym for 1Hr 30 Mins. Then get to work and find time to spend on that and time for these projects. So for the remainder of the day, I’ll try to accomplish the following:

  • Write a 2k words Article for Site 1
  • Upload said article
  • Create a Content Guide for a Writer I found for site 2.
  • Write a 200 word Introduction for the upcoming article for site 2.

What’s the average cost of product? Per day how many clicks you get to amazon?

I only target high ticket items ranging from $200 – $2500. I recently did 2 articles targetting items between $60 – $100. I intend to go after a few other low-cost items to increase daily sales number but my focus is on high ticket items for both sites. For # of clicks per day see screenshot above. I average between 150 clicks to 250 that comes from 300 ~ visits per day so CTR is high.

Update #3

I still have to write another article by the end of today. I feel like I’m not getting enough done. So far this week I’ve only added 2 pieces of content to my sites. I need to make it to 7 pieces for this week to be successful. I am still contemplating outsourcing 10 articles per month but the writer I found is strapped for time so I didn’t bother creating the writing guide. I think I’ll just do the first 15 pieces on site 2 by myself.

On another note, one of the articles I wrote before starting this journey has a ” Clickable elements too close together ” error in Search Console. I’ve wasted a couple of hours today trying to solve it as I wanted to submit that page to gsc to be indexed. If anyone knows a solution leave a comment in this journey.

Things to do:

  • Complete Outstanding article – 1800 words
  • Identify Articles to be written next.
  • Fix Search Console Error

For the aff links you put manually every article or do you use a plugin?

I currently add aff links manually on each article. I’ve considered plugins to do it but I’ve heard more bad than good about them. If anyone has good news about a plugin I’d be interested in implementing it.

Funnily enough, while uploading a 5k post today I hated how long it took to import image links through custom URLs. And I was editing the image htmls with rel=”nofollow” and removing target=”_blank”.

Guys target=”_blank” makes the image open to amazon in a new tab! I had no idea what I was doing until I actually started looking at my bounce rate.

For anyone just starting out I want to tell you that it’s not difficult to make it to 1k/ month if you follow the same strategies I use. I’ve never actively built backlinks and my site doesn’t have more than 50 links and most of them are nofollow. So you can do it too if you work at it.

Update #4

How do you manage to rank without a solid link foundation, considering ur site has no authority?

1. Internal links, average time on page, topic coverage, and lastly better content (images, etc). It’s pretty easy and word count isn’t everything. You could have 10000 words on a topic but talk random gibberish and google seems to ignore the whole post. I’ve outranked 5k articles with 1500 word ones.

2. They’ll rank above me for a few days due to high authority but google normally recrawls and see which content is better and user behavior and sends me back to #1. At least that’s how it’s been so far, I hope it continues like that.

3. If products cost $200 in fitness niche, 1 sale gives you $15. So if you get 3 sales from an article each month that gives you $45. 30 articles like that with each one netting you $45 per month gives you $1300. I use simple math like that to calculate my expected return.

Do you use long tail keywords + KGR?

Yep long tails. My shortest targeted keyword is a 4-word phrase. I’ve heard about KGR no idea what they are. I know it means keyword golden ratio or something like that but whatever it is I don’t know so I don’t think I’m using it.

Any tips on writing content that ranks?

I try to sound relatable by addressing the problem in the first 150 words. Then I follow up with why this article is their solution since I’ve supposedly experienced their pain, did the research, I should know what they need. Which builds trust and interest in what I’m going to recommend to them. I also use bucket brigades every 200 -250 words to keep them attentive. The most important tip is to be relatable and build trust so you don’t come across as a simple seller.

Afterwards, I introduce the best XYZ, include a comparison chart ( as simple as possible) then go into independent reviews. I then select the top product and say that it is the one I currently use and highly recommend it. The others are just as great but may have minor cons.

Then I do the same FAQ and guide to buying if they decide to choose alternatives I haven’t listed. The key thing here to make sure you stay on topic by using LSI or keywords every 50 words. Some people ignore that and end up with text that Google thinks is unrelatable to the content which drops their “perceived” word count and also decreases a users’ dwell time since they also don’t think it’s relevant. Then I add 1 authority reference, great pictures and a video if possible.

The last factors are proper grammar, recommending instead of selling, bucket brigades to hold attention, and conciseness of paragraphs/sentences.

Update #5

Not bad, but it’s not great either. I need to be earning at least $350/day to hit the revenue target. I’m averaging $35/day based on last month’s performance. I just need to add a zero at the end lol, gonna be a lot of hard work.

Progress Report:

  • Created Basic Pages for Site 2
  • Uploaded 1 article.
  • Created a physical “category” page with 700 words introduction.
  • Created Social Media profiles for Site 2
  • Wrote a 5k word article for Site 1

Things to do today:

  • Write 5 articles
  • Outsource 5 articles
  • Upload articles at 8 PM
  • Prepare tomorrow’s article by completing 200 words introduction.

Update #6

I’ve contacted 2 content services on BHW already and ordered 2 articles, 1 from each. Waiting to see the quality before placing bulk orders. For today, I’ll be traveling but I’m going to knock out 2k words on my phone during stops. I still haven’t sold any high ticket items. But volume is picking up.

Earnings for Yesterday

So most of your older posts are ranking now? How long did it take for them to appear on the first page without backlinks?

About 3 – 4 weeks to hit Page 1. New posts have recently hit number 1 and taken snippets so I’m seeing a slight bump in traffic.

Update #7

I’ve found 4 writers on BHW and 1 Offline. I plan to invest $1000/ month into content from now on and scale as revenue increases.

Earnings for yesterday

Update #8

I’ve ordered 10 articles so far but I already feel like I’ll regret the last few lol. Plus, I’ll be ordering another 10 by the end of the day.

Earnings For Yesterday:

Things to do today:

  • Order 10 more articles.
  • Upload the 3 articles I’ve written to site 2.
  • Add more keywords to my article hitlist for the next category I’ll tackle.

How do you research keywords for your site? finding high ticket products then choose KWs base on them, or finding keywords first then removed low price products?

The niche I’m in generally only sells high ticket items. But I also find go out and find keywords then check the prices on Amazon. If I think that I can rank a low priced item then I would go for it if I’m sure it can bring in at least 800 visits per month. So the lower the cost of the item the more search volume is required to make meaningful earnings. But the higher the price of the item means you don’t need much traffic for it to net you $50/month. With 60 articles giving you $50/month that’s $3000.

And lower traffic keywords are typically easier to rank for as most people think they are worthless. So that’s how I plan which keywords to tackle. I hope that helps.

Update #9

MTD Earnings:

Things I’ve done over the last week:

I’m not so sure if I have anything to boast about here as I feel like I hardly got anything done. But I did make some progress with my mindset and being willing to invest back into these sites instead of slaving myself over articles. The bad news is that I think I’ll end up having to rewrite them. Sigh…

  • I’ve found 3 article writers.
  • Ordered 15 articles.
  • Wrote 2 articles

That’s nothing to write home about as If I employed myself I would be pretty pissed at that productivity level.

One of the article writers is someone I know personally that has never written for SEO purposes. I sent a 1500 word article request to the person and got it back in 2 hours and it is literally A+ grade material. I’ll be making 2 more requests tomorrow but I’ll be using this writer for site 2.

How are you doing keyword research to find all these low ms low comp keywords?

I do a lot of things to find keywords that it’ll require a big guide to state it all which I’m not up to doing. The short version is that I look for products that cost upwards of $200 and while looking at those I normally find variations of terms that I could rank. I also look at sites I’m competing against and see if they have any keywords that I could also rank page 1 on.

I’ve never done gone after XYZ product review but I’m starting that with the articles I’ve bought last week.

How you start your writing process and how you structure your affiliate articles?

don’t know if I’ll ever not feel sleepy. That’s my #1 passion in life but I have to work hard to be able to sleep. So by the time I get home and update my journey in the night or the next morning I’m either focusing on work and have no time or I’m my brain is too tired and I’ll be writing a bunch of shit!

Anyways.. my process goes like this:

  1. Identify the Keyword
  2. Search the term on google
  3. Identify On-Page stats of the ranking pages ( keyword in the title, keyword density, article word count, the format of their article, talking points)
  4. Formulate a better Title with Keyword.
  5. Place all the talking puts in subheadings on the page.
  6. Find the items I’ll be writing on.
  7. Skim customer reviews, Questions and product descriptions.
  8. Write an attention-grabbing introduction that identifies either myself or my site or team in the reader’s shoes.
  9. Introduce the solution/s
  10. Write longer, readable content about items.
  11. Answer concerns the reader may have.
  12. Wrap up the article.

That’s it.

Update #10

Earnings for yesterday:

Did your post starts to rank up with a new domain or only when it got some good DA, DR?

No they started ranking long before I got any links. My site’s DA/DR is still dirt low. I won’t say how low but its as low as it could possibly be. However, I’ve gotten some links over the course of this year and I’ve recently tested niche edits but those aren’t pointing to the site yet. Waiting to see what the results will be then.

Updated #11

I’ll be on the road again today so I doubt I’ll get the chance to update. Today I plan to order another 6-8 articles and then I’ll have to wait until next week before ordering more. That should bring us up to 24 articles for the month which is far more productive than I’ve ever been.

Quick Update

I ordered about 9 articles today. So far I’ve only gotten 1 back so I’m still waiting on the others. I need to go over the articles I’ve ordered to make sure I’m counting correctly and I don’t make a silly mistake of ordering the same article twice.

Just found out that I ordered 1 article a few months ago and then ordered it again last Friday. Gotta start uploading them as I get my hands on them from now on. Hoping that writer will accept the request to change the order.

What are you going to interlink? New articles? Articles that are “stuck” on pages 2-3 and beyond?

I want to link from parent to child on the new articles. The new ones all have a link to parents and siblings so I only need to send down some juice from the top page. They are on page 1 but could use a boost to make it to spot 1-3.

I know it’s a waste to not go edit them but it’s too much of a risk at the moment. Maybe when I have a couple more pages ranking #1 and daily traffic spread more evenly I’d be willing to take the risk.

Update #12

So this week has been very productive and shows that sometimes outsourcing is better than doing the work yourself. Time = Money and I feel like I saved myself a tonne of time this week. So far I got back 21 articles which would’ve taken me a month to write myself. Yea, I think I could’ve done a better job myself but the time I gained was spent relaxing, sleeping and chilling with my wife. I got the chance to be present for a week and it was appreciated. However, my mind was still completely occupied with work and making 10k/ month.

I feel like I could’ve done more by uploading the articles I edited immediately but I didn’t. So right now I’ve finished editing 12 of the 21 articles, I’m taking a little longer than I should as I must admit I’m a lazier worker than I am disciplined. However, thanks to outsourcing I feel like I’ve made progress…?


  • Ordered 21 articles
  • Editing 12 articles
  • Researched more keyword ideas

The earnings are pretty good and I’m more than grateful to get to this point. Thankfully I added a few new articles that are currently ranking number 1 and stopped relying so heavily on the 1 article that is bringing in most of my traffic. It’s bringing in about 150 visits a day but I don’t see where it’s making the sales it did last month. That post is actually getting more traffic than last month but fewer sales which goes to show you need to keep adding content.

MTD Earnings and Comparison:

Last Month – Same Period

So based on calculations I’m seeing a 74% increase in revenue. I’d say I’ve been scaling successfully so far and if I can keep marginally increasing in earnings I’ll get to the 10k mark pretty soon.

How long it actually took you to make your first couple of hundreds?

It took 3 months from the point I figured out exactly what I need to do to start ranking without backlinks. However, I built this site back in November 2017, wrote 20+ articles in another niche then google did medic update and the little 5 visits per day I was getting vanished. I gave it a break until December 2018 where I found the simple secret and wrote 15 articles. Within a month I started getting 50 visits a day then I wrote a couple more articles to over the course of this year to get to 62. So excluding the niche that isn’t ranking at all the site only truly has 40 articles ranking.

All in all it took about 2 years to get to this point with a lot of ups and downs in my mood and learning curve. But from the point of figuring things out and getting to where I’m at now is about 10 months.

Update #13

Earnings for Yesterday:

Things I’ve done today:

  • Paid for Hosting
  • Added funds to sort out this domain as it will be expiring next month.
  • Plan

I had a really close shave with renewing hosting as I’m totally broke and the hosting is set to expire tomorrow. If it did before I got funds then I would lose all my rankings. Thankfully, all my eggs aren’t in one basket and another affiliate network came through with some $$$.

Plans for Tomorrow:

  • Finish editing 6 articles
  • Upload 5 articles
  • Share them on Social Media
  • Drop another update on the thread

How much do you pay for the 1000 words?

Different prices to varying writers. So far I’ve paid $10, $20+, $30+ per 1k words.

Update #14

Earnings for Yesterday:

Earnings are decent, I still need to be at 350/day to hit the target. I’m nowhere close so we’ve got a lot of ground to cover. Hopefully outsourcing will help speed the process up, however, I’m finding editing to be tedious and time-consuming. But it’s still far less time than it’d take me to write the article myself.

Is your site niche is broad, sub or micro niche?

Site 1 is fitness. But I’m tackling it from a unique angle and focusing on topical relevance for my site. Site 2 is broad.

Did you receive the new email from amazon regarding the disclosure placement in the affiliate link? have you done anything for it?

Yup, I did receive it. So far I’ve changed the disclaimer to the one they now recommend in the footer. Added a disclaimer in my sidebar that all content contains affiliate links and links to disclosure page. Not sure if that will impact sales so I’ll watch it over the weekend and tweek accordingly.

I’m considering moving the sidebar disclose to the top of every affiliate article. But I’m not sure how to do that yet but for now based on what I’ve read just changing the disclaimer to Amazon’s current required statement and making it present on every page covers you with them. The challenge is covering yourself with FTC by adding a clear disclaimer that users don’t need to search for.

Update #15

Earnings for Yesterday

The earnings are pretty stable and consistent. However, I’m seeing a huge decline in the items that made me money over the last few months. If I hadn’t added a couple of new articles last month I’d probably only be at $600 this month. This goes to show that you have to keep adding content and improving things as you never know which way the wind will blow.

Are you using any indexer service/tool also for indexing of your old updated content?

Yes, I’ve found it better to add content between articles. However, what really helps is readability and making a connection with the reader and keeping their attention. If you can improve your time on page you’ll see a huge boost in rankings.

I’m only using search console and posting articles on social media.

How much do you invest per month on articles and seo?

Prior to the start of this month about $60. I’ve written everything that has gotten me to this point. This month IDK how much I’ve spent on the site yet but its probably around $700.

Have you invested into link building at all? What’s the average length of an article and the price per article?

I invested in some niche edits this month. Hope they do good instead of harm. I had been doing fine without them so far but I got a heads up from someone in the thread that made me reconsider not having any solid backlinks.

The average article length is about 1500 words. I wrote all articles on the site with the exception of a few that I’m not considering when the site failed due to medic update.

Update #16

October Summary

Welcome to my end of month report!

First off, I want to thank you guys for the support, best wishes, and tips you’ve shared with me since the start of this journey. I’ve learned a great deal in just one month. Far more than I’ve learned all year before this month.

All of this has changed how I think, plan, and execute the steps needed to succeed. I’m now ready to tackle everything that is ahead, and I know I’ll be successful.

Over the ten months, I wrote about 42 articles. I was still skeptical and didn’t want to invest my money as I was still unsure if things would work. Furthermore, I took long breaks between article writing to see If the articles would rank without links and validate my knowledge.

My thinking was that if it did, Great! If it didn’t rank, well, I only lost a few hours that I would’ve wasted either way. Here’s a screenshot of what I have on my first site for word count:


What steps will I take?

I’ll only be focusing on what works. Big fish – Small Pond.

  • I’ll be outsourcing content writing, which will save me a few hours a day.
  • I am going to continue targeting keywords that I can rank for without links.
  • Continue Avoiding backlinks somewhat.
  • I’ll continue focusing on quality while pushing quantity in article types. (This means editing outsourced content)
  • Incorporate Amazon Onelink so that I can earn from Amazons and .ca, which should increase earnings.
  • I’ll be making sure that user engagement is still high.

Update #17

What do I Want to Accomplish This Month?

For this month I’ve decided on a number of targets that I’m pretty confident I can reach if I use my time wisely and everything remains the same. And even though life happens and it’s pointless to plan and overthink things I’ve come up with the following:

  • Figure out the best course of action for the right articles to order.
  • Add 50 Articles to the sites.
  • Make 3k in Revenue.
  • Start finding a couple of Info keywords.

Do you get the idea of writing from backlinko? because I saw the article about it.

I got the ideas from a number of places and reading different things. What I got from backlinko is the importance of bucket brigades to help break up text and retain user attention. What’s the point of a long post if people don’t read all of it.

But attention isn’t all, you still need good grammar and some way to establish a connection. Otherwise, your CTR and conversion rates will be low.

How about pictures? How many pictures per article? From where you get your pictures and do you make sure that those pictures are unique?

For a 1000 word article I’d do anywhere from 6 – 10 pictures depending on the size of the pictures. You pretty much only need a picture every 150-200 words.

Most of my pictures come from unsplash, pixabay, pexels, and freepik. I also take product images from other retails excluding amazon and edit them in photoshop then move the edited to canva or run it through tinypng.

Update #18

If you’re looking to succeed and start making whatever your desired amount is daily, you’ll only need three things!

Support, Passion, Time.

How many UVs do you usually get per day?

600+ per day. Not more than 800. I have an extremely high CTR.

What hosting you use and theme for your word press site?

I’m using namecheap and newspaper theme. It’s not ideal for me either as I most of the pages load in about 3.3 or 3.5 seconds.

MTD Earnings:

Since I didn’t have any traffic and most of my pages would’ve fallen off all rankings I decided to further destroy my site. I swapped themes from NewsPaper to Astra and tried different caching plugins and eventually went to WP Rocket. This took me the entire day but it worked out. (Kinda!)

Also, my earnings made it to $1000 so if I don’t make anything else for the month I’m still satisfied even though I would’ve doubled last month if everything went smooth.

To hopefully make that happen here’s what I did:

  • Update Hosting to WPX
  • Changed Theme from Astra
  • Installed WPRocket
  • Remove Bloatware plugins
  • Resized Images on articles + Tinypng

My Plans for the rest of the month:

  • Fix my site structure and Category pages.
  • MAYBE get some more Niche Edits…

How much do you pay for 3000 words?

It depends on the writer. For my best writer, I’ll pay her $50 for 3k words. A cheaper writer would get $30.

Do you think that info articles are more important than money articles or just as important?

I don’t think info articles are more important. I think ranking with the right keywords is the most important thing right now. If you can find easy to rank info keywords then go for it. Otherwise, they serve no purpose to me and won’t make you an authority in Google’s eyes as you’ll likely not be doing anything new. What matters is ranking easy keywords. At least that’s my opinion atm. It might change later on idk.

In the past two days I’ve been researching keywords like a mad man, found only one and I’m 100% sure I don’t even know what am I doing. How do you do that?

No, I spend weeks sometimes looking for keywords. It’s not easy and sometimes I can hardly find any but over time you’ll start spotting them after you’ve formulated criteria of what to look out for.

Weekly Summary

The good stuff is here:

Between the google update and messing up my site, I’m back to early October traffic. Thankfully, I had a great first week and hit 1k in that week so the rest of the month should balance itself out.
Plus with black Friday and Cyber week coming up I should get a little boost if things don’t get progressively worse.

I’m hoping for the best but I can’t tell what will happen but here’s what the traffic looked like last week.

I’m glad for it. If things continue I’ll still hit 2k this month and maybe surpass last month by a little. I expected to double last month but you can never know what will happen in the future so I’ll keep taking it a day at a time.


l continue to let the dust settle on site 1 before doing anything. And I’ll go and see if I can find a suitable expired domain. If you guys have any recommendations to getting one please share as that’ll save me a lot of time!

What is the conversion rate of high ticket items per click?

Hmmm… Depends on the item and how much it costs. For very high ticket items like 2k per product, I’ve only sold 6 in a month from 1.3k monthly visits. $400-$800 items might sell 20 – 30 from 2000 visits per month. Lower ticket items ranging from $70 – $300, I’ll sell like 10 from 100 clicks.

Update #19

Earnings for Yesterday:

Got a little improvement in traffic to 400+ visits. I hope it keeps rising…

Traffic seemed stable over the past days but today is slow af. And based on ahrefs I’ve dropped rankings for a number of my top pages. So I’m going through and tweaking the relevancy to see if I can get any improvements.

I haven’t added any new articles to either site since the update but I’ll try to finish the edits today. Then start adding new content from tomorrow on.

Why are you not using Amazon stripe to get the images from amazon?

I do use site stripe. But for places where I only want a certain part of the item I use other pictures. With sitestrip images, sometimes they don’t show up if your visitor has adblock enabled. So you’ll always want a mixture of images on the page.

You can fix that though by using something like aawp or another third party plugin to pull images. Plus with sitestrip you can’t specify which image you want so that’s why I do a mixture.

Last week earnings summary:

I’m still working on fixing my site and finding a good expired domain.

I’m amazed, if you were audit your site via smallseot what is your domain rate? or by the way how did you get your DR score? :D

My DR from ahrefs is less than 10.

Earnings for Yesterday:

Update #20 – November Summary

Completed Actions this Month:

  • Switched hosting from Namecheap to WPX Hosting.
  • Added WPRocket and Switched theme to Astra.
  • Improved site speed from 4s to 1 or 2 seconds.
  • Redesign site to add minor improvement to silo.
  • Fix relevancy on 10 key pages.
  • Added 6 more niche edit links.
  • – Searched in vain for an expired domain –

Total Costs: $952

Niche Edits: $468
Hosting: $25
WP Rocket: $49
Content: $410

Earnings and Statistics:

The good news after everything is that I still surpassed last month, even before Black Friday rolled around. However, the days before were horrible with poor conversion rates and $14 earnings for 2 days.

Thankfully, over Black Friday and the weekend till yesterday I sold 2 high-ticket items on each of the days that costs over $2k so I should be expecting either a $400 day or more or at least some $180+ days over the coming week/days.

Earnings For The Month:

Update #21

1.How you rate if the domain is worth buying?
2. What SEO things would you suggest to buy to rank the website at the beginning? Articles? Web 2.0? What works best in your opinion?

1. Check Links, Anchors,, TF, CF, DA, PA, RD.
2. Don’t buy anything in the beginning. Invest in keyword research and content.
3. Taking action works best.

How do you “close” a silo so you can make a better link flowing?

Link from main page to child page and from child pages to siblings and main page.

Earnings for Yesterday:

What are my plans going forward?

Sigh… I’m a firm believer in focusing on one course of action and dedicating maximum effort to one thing. But that only works when you have things under your control and with internet marketing you just don’t. You can’t control if Pinterest decides to change or whether Facebook decides to further reduce organic reach or when Google decides to update. Can’t control the cost of ads, etc.

The only thing you can do is to have multiple traffic sources and multiple websites. Even then you have no control but at least you’re sane mentally if one goes down.

So my plan going forward is to build a 70-page niche site every month. Set the articles to drip release 1 a day or 1 every other day and leave it.

I’ll spend 1 hour a day on my first two niche sites and nothing more. And focus on one new site each month.

So that’s the idea. It’s not perfect, might be dumb, stupid and batshit crazy but I’ll give it a shot. Investing $1000 a month can build you such a site each month with ease.

So I’ll try it for 6 months while investing in stocks and mutual funds to diversify my risks.

Earnings For Last Week:

BTW: The journey won’t stop until I hit the target so rest assured.

I think I’ve identified the next niche I’ll go after and possibly the expired domains that I’ll be using. But I have zero dollars this month so that plan goes into action in January even though my 3 year anniversary is in February and I need to save all my money for that.
So, finally, is this about investment,risk,and return?
And how to maximize the profit?
And don’t put all eggs in one basket.

Nope it’s all about having a stable earnings of $350+ per day. However and whatever it takes.

But maximizing profit, having multiple baskets and investing without being afraid of risks are key things that dictate whether I’ll get stable earnings.

Year-End Report

I think the scaling method I had was flawed because I tried to do all my scaling manually. And there’s a physical limit to what a single person can accomplish in 24 hours.

Furthermore, I didn’t build my sites like most people where they are constantly doing link building. If I had done that maybe I could’ve hit the target easily? Who knows, but I couldn’t afford to risk my passive bread doing something I’m not sure would work.

I’m great at writing content, optimizing said content, and structuring my site and articles to rank from the relevancy and authority of my site. I’ve also successfully implemented 301 redirects so that will now become a part of my strategy going forward.

At the end of it all, the year went how it did and there’s nothing I can do anymore to change the results.

Now you might be wondering…

What’s the result?

I couldn’t have asked for a better year!

Total Monthly Earnings AMZ + ADs: $72,663

Total for 2021: ~$238k

Of my earnings for last year, about $2000-$3000 was spent on various expenses such as tools, hosting, domains. I bought the 301 redirects for the site I sold in 2020 so I’m not counting that into the costs.

The site I sold this year is the Project with Code Name OBF which was the second site I started after getting into Amazon affiliates in 2019.

The total costs for that site were around $4000 and it took about 3 months of work to build in 2021 although I’ve had it since late 2019. So having a six-figure exit was great for me.

What will you do about it? Do you want it badly enough to do the work it takes? Nothing comes easy, we all have our ups and downs as you can see throughout my journeys. I’ve been at this whole IM marketing thing since 2013 and this year has been my best in profit.

I’ve finally found what I love and will keep working even harder at it. Will a similar journey be yours?

Do you want success as badly as I wanted it? Prove it.


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