Geasy BHW

Author name: geasybhw

Off Page SEO

Impressive Blackhat link building strategy you can apply.

Today one of our clients received an email from a “photographer” saying he owned the copyright to a image which we had sourced from Pexels it was uploaded a few years ago (looked like a mass templates email). This guy emails saying he owns it and to link to a finance calculator website if we want to keep it live the image was on a health site, pretty aggressive tone. I checked the “Flickr” account he had uploaded over 3,000 images all directly from Pexels saying he “owned” them all and to link to various websites on the images mostly finance all owned by the same guy. I’ve heard of this strategy before a bit black hat and easy to pick up.

Off Page SEO

How To Get Major Publications To Link To Your Website

When you’re running content campaigns and looking to gain traction from larger publications, blogs or within the press, this tactic could work well for you. Instead of pitching ideas directly into publications, go after freelance journalists. Freelance journalists are incentivized to work with you as they make their living from pitching in stories or interesting news into publications. One freelance journalist will write for many different pubs, which means 1 relationship can create inroads to many different publications (this is particularly useful if you have several clients that you manage content campaigns for). *How to Find Them* There are lots of tools out there like, Pitchbox, Muck Rack, etc. but I’ve found the MOST effective way is to run advanced Twitter searches. Most freelance journalists will state their title within their Twitter bio – they’re usually very active on Twitter so you can reach out to them there too. Use this search to get started:”freelance journalist” One extra thing I’d recommend is refining the search to be focused on a specific location. Picking up local freelance journalists is even easier because you could go grab coffee with one of them or hop on a quick call. Another tactic I’ve found to work well is to commission them to write some content for your client (or you) to begin with – this creates a strong relationship – after that goes down well and you’ve paid them, pitch them on something for an external publication. Happy link building

Free Downloads

[GET] 4,800 Tech Journalists including big name brands

Here is a list of 4,800 Tech Journalists including big name brands. Mainly English but some other languages as well. Download them and use them to get some outreach links for your website. You’re Welcome!


[Get FREE SEO SpreadSheet] – Find Low CTR Pages From Your Site – 99$ Worth

This is a spreadsheet that will show your pages that are already ranking and the CTR they’re getting from Google. It can be very beneficial as you might already rank for a search phrase but you’re not getting the whole traffic that is available because of your Title or your meta description. Here’s how to use the sheet: 1. Export your ranking and CTR data from GSC with the help of search analytics for sheets plugin 2. Text to columns and paste to the ‘Data’ worksheet 3. Set what you believe to be the best Benchmark CTR figures in the ‘Instructions’ sheet. Actual CTR numbers are compared to these, and keywords with lower CTR than the benchmark CTR for its position are marked as ‘Low CTR’ 4. Smash the ‘Analyze CTR’ button to run the macro Example : Just make a copy of the template then import your GSC data in the 2 tabs marked in red using the “search analytics for sheets plugin” P.s to get the addon you need to go on Add-ons > Get add-ons and search for


Awesome Email Outreach Templates That Are Yours To Steal

Infographic Outreach Template ​ Hi {name}, I hope everything is going well on your end :slightly_smiling_face: I am NAME, and I’m on the content team at . I was checking out some of your articles at {OUTREACH TARGET} today and found pretty good stuff you have written about {SOMETHING}. I absolutely love that resource and definitely going to share few articles of yours on my social media channel as well. My colleague {NAME} recently put together a pretty comprehensive piece on “{INFOGRAPHIC NAME}”. There is a ton of information out there on project management. Our infographic was designed to cut through the noise a bit. You can check this out at {LINK} It’s an up to date and comprehensive information on the above topic I believe (also appreciate your valuable feedback on the topic). You may can consider adding the infographic to your blog (I can also write a short intro to go along with it if you’d like?). I believe it can be a good fit at {TARGET URL} Thanks for your time and I’ll see you around! Signature ​ Hi {name}, My name is Geasy and I’m reaching out because I’m an avid reader of your work on {something they write about}. I just followed you on Twitter, and I saw your tweet on {that same topic}. I am producing an infographic on a simiar topic and would love to get a {quote/opinion} from you. We are also getting {quotes/opinions} from a few folks like {influencer1 – ideally someone the target follows on twitter}, {influncer2 – ideally someone the target follows on twitter}. Let me know if you’re interested, and I can send you more info and the copy of the infographics to take a look before it gets published. Regards, Geasy Link Building Outreach​ Hi {Name} Firstly, I wanted to say what a great read your post was {url} I’m actually the main editor over at {SITE NAME} ({SITE URL}) so your post was of particular interest to me as we’ve just recently released an epic guide on the {GUIDE NAME} While reading your article, I noticed you were linking to a few resources on the same topic as our post. Their posts are also great resources, though I would say ours is even more comprehensive and up to date. Bottom line, I think a link to our article would make a great addition to your post. This is our article: {GUIDE URL} Let me know if you like the idea? Thanks, NAME Position SITE Hi {Name} Hope you’re well! I wanted to reach out because I noticed your website links to this great article about {Topic}:{URL To WHICH THE PAGE IS LINKING}, over on this page: {URL TARGET} We also loved that piece – and it inspired us to write our own guide. It’s called {ARTICLE TOPIC} and offers actionable steps to {what the text is about}. I would love to hear your feedback – and I’d be even happier if you considered adding it to a future or existing article! Signature

Off Page SEO

Lightbulb moment for getting backlinks from your direct competitors

I was listening to an email outreach podcast & have a lightbulb moment for getting backlinks from your direct competitors… Go to a scraping tool like Screaming Frog or Sitebulb, scrape your competitor’s site & search for dead 404 backlinks, if the domain name is unregistered, buy it & rewrite the content the page had previously (which can be found on the wayback machine’s archive), then you find old whois data & use the same name servers as the old website had, you then internally link to your money page or alternatively you can go the other route and 301 the URL to a relevant page on your website. Any thoughts if you think this linkbuilding strategy has legs & is viable in 2019? The theory behind it is great. It’s what the crawlers in stuff like this are built to do – you give it a seed list of sites and it goes crawling (domcop has something very similar). These generally resurface fully expired domains though – so they went through auction and didn’t get picked up. Odds are the link from the competitor is the only worthwhile link it has (or close to it) or someone would have scooped it up at auction. Relevancy is the key here. It works as long as its done right. Takes a ton of work and precautions to be on the safe side. Do it one at a time on long tail keywords for your money site.

Agency SEO

How To Get RICH SEO Clients Without Much Work In 2021

For small SEO agencies, freelancers that don’t put a ton of energy into their own SEO (whether it’s too competitive or you rely on word-of-mouth), I highly recommend LinkedIn for lead gen. After optimizing my profile, I have been generating 3-5 leads from LinkedIn per week WITHOUT posting, and at a higher close rate than any other traffic source. I think this is an awesome platform because the organic reach seems to be better than on Facebook and it doesn’t require constant posting like on Instagram (though I highly recommend staying active for better results). There are also some pretty big players on the platform – I have landed some $10k+ SEO outreach gigs at major companies that you never see hanging out at Facebook or Instagram. Have you seen solid results from LinkedIn lead gen?


How To Make Sure You Get All The Power From Your Links

The idea is simple. Mention the same entities and categories on your guest posts and on your site as well. The idea is to strengthen relevance between your guest posts and the pages on your site, i.e. external site writes about entity A which links to your page that also mentions entity A. This can work perfectly if your PBNs are in a different niche than your money sites, as well as with guest posts. A tool that can help with this It takes the information from and presents it in a more digestible way. If you have no clue what entities are, have a look at this article –

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The Only SEO Checklist You Will Need in 2021

Pretty straightforward template. It contains some well-known things you must do with your site. Even though it contains some basic stuff, I’d suggest keeping reading it as there could be things that you didn’t implement.

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